Project Description
We loved Theatre from the seats as spectators and we received our personal initiation inside its holy breath, in the twilight of the performances. Actors have charmed us, guided us to a journey, also led us to a research for our inner Self.
By searching the first steps of Theatre, we met the holy steps of Asclepius and his Initiatory and Healing Centres. Theatre was an important part of his Infirmaries. Why?
Due to its structure and its character, Theatre has a direct access to the subconscious. People were led to search deep inside in order to find the source of Therapy.
Let‘s seek for it, together.
The only precondition in order somebody to participate in “Thiassos” *, is to be an energy-Healer. From actor’s performance, up to the last stitch in the fabrics, everything is charged with the therapeutic energy. For this case, during the theatrical rehearsals, we approach our aim through energetic steps and methods– the courses of the therapeutic methods NEKTAR is teaching.
“Thiassos” is not only addressed to professional actors.
(*) “Thiassos” – a theatrical group, troupe.
The title, the organization, the structure and performance of the Therapeutic Theatre “Thiassos” are under all copyright la

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