<<… I want to go on with a synthesis of the good news. The teachings of our teachers, from a Western point of view (since we are Westerners), takes us to another point that brings us good news. First, we are not a moralistic tradition, we will not tell you what to do and what not to do. We will not ask you to believe in something since we are beyond philosophy and theology. We are interested in understanding the human being. This understanding brings us surprising things: first, we are a very special part of nature. We are the only beings who can guide the energies, because we have free will. Of course we produce a lot of heavy energy: when we want to accumulate, this will create a very heavy load inside us. When we don’t want to receive, we again create a load of heavy energy as well. Of course if we follow this step, our lives will be very difficult. But we just need a turn of the switch… you can change your reality. You do not need to think, you just need to give us the benefit of the doubt: “Maybe these South-Americans say nice things… Let’s see if there’s something interesting there. ”
We will share some simple exercises and you, yourself, will have the perception of what we are talking about. There is a freedom and abundance around us, just look. Maybe there is, maybe not. We give you the information about the existence of enlightenment through your seed, and this is really good news. And this is because we all westerners have been educated under the Original Sin. Do not tell me that you do not go to church, that does not matter. Deep inside you, even if you do not believe in anything, you can find this belief. Because we, all, westerners have been educated on that.
So again good news: we do not have Sin in us. Within us, you can find the seed of the absolute potential. If you find it and touch it, then you will have the perception of a great, important thing. You will see how beautiful you are inside. You will fall in love with yourself. But it will change your whole view. You will develop a great self-esteem, because you will see that you carry an astonishing factor, this virtue, your Self. If you see this and realize how living energy moves, this combination will create something amazing.
These are actually good news, because it is all you need in order to have abundance in your life. You only need the living energy, which is needed by the seed in order to grow. If you take the first step, you will witness a marvelous thing. You will see the miraculous growth of a great being inside you. Something that is yourself but even ten times better. And that is available to you, 25 hours a day.
(The Andean Tradition) is a spiritual art, a form of art like the martial arts. You do not have to believe in anything. Just do it and observe. Mother Earth supports you in order to grow, Father Cosmos calls you in order to grow – then who can stop you? We believe that the important thing is the personal power, but the power is actually something between being able to do something and not being able to do something. All the rest -manipulation forces etc. really do not matter. It is the power of being able to do something happen to you. What exactly do you want to manage? this is not our business. Our business is to help you find a way to make it happen. With this art you can achieve well-being. I’m not talking about happiness. We do not offer your happiness. We offer you the ability to get well-being. Beyond any circumstances. Everything could seem bad around you, but you will feel good. And when you feel good, you begin to see what other people cannot see. You can see the opportunities offered by the world in every being >>
Don Juan Núñez del Prado, Athens.